About us

About us

We’re a global stakeholder relations and consultancy.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goiku sendeno ssimos ducimus qui blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque corrupti quos.
We bring more than 24 years’ senior experience forging of collaborations across government.
Praesent feugiat sem.
A wonderful serenity.
Premium services for you.
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Call to ask any question 540-325-1523

Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)

24 Years of Experience


We’re ready to share our advice and experience.

The main difference between Statistic and Statistics is that the Statistic is a single measure of some attribute of a sample and Statistics is a study of the collection.

Tax Consultancy

This is one of many areas of professional services where our firm is well ahead of the competition.

Audit & assurance

People are only as good as the tools they possess. So, to consistently deliver high-quality auditing services.

Value Added Tax

We are providing and dealing with all sorts of legal and professional services and matters to operate.

Accounting Services

Our professionals provide a range of accounting and assurance services of the highest standards.

Tax Outsourcing

Unlike our competitors we have in house qualified lawyers and accountants who can help you.

Amazing Strategy

Operates an atmosphere that promote creative approach for clients needs.
Like What We Offer


In order to acquire our services please kindly send us your inquiry of interest. We shall revert back immediately.
Our Value Our Mission Payroll Service
We Have Over 3000 Registered Human Resource Portals To Seek out the Best For Your Company.
Networks of our affiliates spreads all over the world inorder to provide a good grip in the Global Human Resource Recruitment System.
Our professionals provide a range of accounting and assurance services of the highest standards.
Networks of our affiliates spreads all over the world inorder to provide a good grip in the Global Human Resource Recruitment System.
People are only as good as the tools they possess. So, to consistently deliver high-quality auditing.
Networks of our affiliates spreads all over the world inorder to provide a good grip in the Global Human Resource Recruitment System.

We draw on our global network to assemble a team of experts.

He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Fran Bostick

Founder & CEO
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Tina Holt

Federal Contractor
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Charles Wilkinson

Founder & CEO
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Michael Alan Tate

Vice President
He has extensive experience in organizational design, business process reengineering.

Suzanne Higgins

Senior Consultant
Jonathan's Bio


FORM-A-CO (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED was founded in 1989 to conduct the business of Company Formation and administration and all ancillary services. Jonathan’s role from the outset was to serve as the firm’s Manager, creating its product line and devising its services. Since that date, Jonathan has overseen the evolution of the business as the firm’s Managing Director to incorporate Trust and Marine administration into its range of products, and steering it through the various compliance and regulatory challenges arising from the application of Financial Services Regulation in Gibraltar as from 1993, with the establishment of the Financial Services Commission itself.To this day, Jonathan’s role is to oversee the management of the firm’s Company Formation and Trust Administration services (through FORM-A-TRUST (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED), and the incorporation of small businesses in Gibraltar to service the local economy, whilst retaining executive responsibility for all compliance and regulatory led initiatives for the firm. 

  • Over 31 years working in Gibraltar’s Financial Services industry as Managing Director of a firm which is duly licensed by the Financial Services Commission to conduct Company Management and Trust Administration services. 
  • Registered with the Supreme Court to serve as a Commissioner for Oaths in Gibraltar. 
  • Licensed by the Financial Services Commission to provide Directorship services as an approved individual. 
  • Approved by the Financial Services Commission to serve as an EIF (Experienced Investor Fund) Director. 
  • Member of the Gibraltar Advisory Board of TFO Tax Strategies Limited – a Manchester-based business dedicated to wealth management and tax planning structures.
Charle's Bio


Charles joined FORM-A-CO (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED in 2012 after 30 years in the banking sector. He was responsible for the creation and development of Trust businesses at  Lloyds TSB  Bank Plc  and at SG Hambros  Bank & Trust. 

Charles is a Director of FORM-A-CO (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED with particular responsibility for  the  Trust Administration services (through FORM-A-TRUST (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED) as well as client relationships.

Charles brings an array  of skills and experience to the business and holds appointments in listed Companies.