Fully Licensed Company Management Services

Fully Licensed Company Management Services

All services related to Gibraltar Company incorporation, management and administration, are licensable by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission. This means that a Gibraltar Company cannot purport to conduct any of the following activities without a financial services licence in Gibraltar:

Company registration, management services, sales or termination of companies
Bank account, payment transactions and financial services
Tax planning services for a company or a private person
Company financial management services and accounting
Legal services to a private person or company
The identity of the Directors and Shareholders of Gibraltar companies are required to be filed at the Gibraltar Companies Registry although these can be Nominees.

It should also be noted in the first instance, that there is no such thing as a Gibraltar “non-resident” or “offshore” Company. All Gibraltar companies are automatically deemed to be resident in Gibraltar for tax purposes and are issued with Tax Identification Numbers in Gibraltar. Some companies, however, will have their income treated differently by the Gibraltar Tax Authorities according to whether it is deemed assessable for taxation in Gibraltar or not. In essence, those companies that can satisfy the criteria described below which would allow them to be treated as “Non-Resident Controlled” with “no Gibraltar-source income”, will not be assessed for taxation on income in Gibraltar.

Prior to being able to progress any proposed application for incorporation of a Gibraltar Company we would always need to be provided with a clear understanding of the proposed business to be undertaken by the Company, so that we can be in a position to pre-approve its proposed activity.

For the record, it should be noted that as a matter of principle, FORM-A-CO has never knowingly sought to entertain clients seeking to undertake a number of activities that are not necessarily illegal in any one particular jurisdiction, but which, by their very nature, may result in “reputational risk” to our firm or to this jurisdiction. Examples of these are the following:

Dealing in medications, pharmaceuticals, health products, supplements etc.
Pornography, adult content material
Dating agencies, contact websites
Dealing in arms or arms parts that may be used in weapon production.
Trading in Wildlife
Travel Agencies
Gaming, gambling, lotteries, raffles
Financial Services, financing, leasing
Unregulated consultancy or trading in gold, precious metals, precious stones or financial instruments.
Any form of unregulated business related to the taking of investments, eg. Binary Option Trading, DLT, Bitcoin, Blockchain etc.
Citizenship and/or immigration or visa application assistance programs to third-party jurisdictions
Parallel trading
Tobacco, wines and spirits
Mercenary or contract soldiering
Security and riot control equipment, or any device that could lead to the abuse of human rights or be utilised for torture
Technical surveillance or bugging equipment
Industrial espionage
Dangerous or hazardous biological, chemical or nuclear materials
Trading in human or animal organs
Adoption agencies
Pyramid selling schemes
Religious cults or their charities
Clubs, Associations, Federations, NGOs etc.
Private educational establishments, eg. Academies, Universities or Institutes
Generic web-hosting services for multiple undefined activities.
Call-centre marketing services for undefined products or services, or “boiler-room” enterprises.
Social media platforms dealing in personal data, in the same mould as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and OnlyFans.
Online Real Estate Agencies business marketing properties situated outside of Gibraltar.

Mail Forwarding Services

Please note that we do not encourage the use of our Registered Office address for the forwarding of any business mail related to the companies under our mutual administration. However, if any such mail were to stray into our offices, we would be happy to arrive at an understanding for the forwarding of such mail to you on a periodic basis. Alternatively, individual clients should feel free to contact us directly if they want to adopt any one of the forwarding services described on our weblink below:



Our typical Annual Domiciliation services are automatically inclusive of the following:

The provision of a Company Secretary
Registered Office Services for the year
The preparation and filing of an Annual Return for the Company
The filing (only!) of a Balance Sheet for the Company.

* N.B. Our client accounting services for the preparation of Balance Sheets and/or the submission of Tax Returns would be charged separately upon the client electing to subscribe to these services.


  • Suite 4, 2nd Floor The West Wing Montarik House 3 Bedlam Court Gibraltar GX111AA
  • formaco@formaco.gi
Jonathan's Bio


FORM-A-CO (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED was founded in 1989 to conduct the business of Company Formation and administration and all ancillary services. Jonathan’s role from the outset was to serve as the firm’s Manager, creating its product line and devising its services. Since that date, Jonathan has overseen the evolution of the business as the firm’s Managing Director to incorporate Trust and Marine administration into its range of products, and steering it through the various compliance and regulatory challenges arising from the application of Financial Services Regulation in Gibraltar as from 1993, with the establishment of the Financial Services Commission itself.To this day, Jonathan’s role is to oversee the management of the firm’s Company Formation and Trust Administration services (through FORM-A-TRUST (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED), and the incorporation of small businesses in Gibraltar to service the local economy, whilst retaining executive responsibility for all compliance and regulatory led initiatives for the firm. 

  • Over 31 years working in Gibraltar’s Financial Services industry as Managing Director of a firm which is duly licensed by the Financial Services Commission to conduct Company Management and Trust Administration services. 
  • Registered with the Supreme Court to serve as a Commissioner for Oaths in Gibraltar. 
  • Licensed by the Financial Services Commission to provide Directorship services as an approved individual. 
  • Approved by the Financial Services Commission to serve as an EIF (Experienced Investor Fund) Director. 
  • Member of the Gibraltar Advisory Board of TFO Tax Strategies Limited – a Manchester-based business dedicated to wealth management and tax planning structures.
Charle's Bio


Charles joined FORM-A-CO (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED in 2012 after 30 years in the banking sector. He was responsible for the creation and development of Trust businesses at  Lloyds TSB  Bank Plc  and at SG Hambros  Bank & Trust. 

Charles is a Director of FORM-A-CO (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED with particular responsibility for  the  Trust Administration services (through FORM-A-TRUST (GIBRALTAR) LIMITED) as well as client relationships.

Charles brings an array  of skills and experience to the business and holds appointments in listed Companies.